Saturday, June 14th, 2025
Great Lakes Aquarium
353 Harbor Dr, Duluth, MN 55802
Judge TBD
Piper TBD
Registration Form for 2025
(under construction)
Last year’s entry fee was $50 (US$) and $60 if registered after May 21st. ScotDance USA receives $1 per entry. The entry fee is non-refundable and includes admission to the workshop; held on June 15, 2025.
Tentative Schedule of Events
9:oo am Registration
(Primary, Beginner and Novice)
9:30 am Competition Commences
(Primary, Beginner and Novice)
11:00 am Registration
Click the button above if you have registered already and just need to pay your entry fee.
If you are not able to register online and would like to do so over the phone, then please call our Registrar at (218) 269-0014.
(Intermediate and Premier)
11:30 pm Competition Commences
(Intermediate and Premier)
12:30 pm Awards Ceremony and Raffle Drawing
Pipe Band Performance to Follow
Note: Times may vary due to the number of registered dancers.
Dance Workshop and Annual Scottish Beach Party
Join us Sunday, June 16th @ 10 am
Join us on Sunday, June 15, 2025 at 10:00 a.m. We are offering an information dance workshop for dancers of all ages and skill levels taught by the Judge. The workshop will be conducted in conjunction with the Annual Scottish Beach Party at the Reyelts Outdoor Amphitheater. Further information will be available at the Competition.
Irish Jig (4 step)
Highland Fling (4 step)
Seann Truibbhas (3 & 1)
Wilt Thou Go to Barracks Johnny (4 step)
Sailor’s Hornpipe (4 step)
Highland Fling (4 step)
Seann Truibbhas (3 & 1)
Highland Laddie (4 step)
Pas de Basques (16)
Pas de Basques & High Cuts (6 & 4)
Highland Fling (4 step )
Sword Dance (2 & 1 )
Scottish Lilt (4 step)
Highland Fling (4 step)
Sword Dance (2 & 1)
Sean Truibbhas (3 & 1)
Flora Macdonald’s Fancy (4 step)
Highland Fling (4 step)
Sword Dance (2 & 1)
Sean Truibbhas (3 & 1)