4th ANNual Scottish Scramble

Monday, August 11, 2025

Register by June 15th

The Duluth Scottish Heritage Association (DSHA), in partnership the Minnesota Masonic Children's Clinic for Communication Disorders (MMCCCD), wishes to welcome you to our 3rd annual charity golf event. The DSHA's mission is to perpetuate Scottish culture in Northeastern Minnesota and Northwestern Wisconsin - what better way to do that than play one of the most traditional Scottish sports - GOLF! We are planning for a day of fun for a good cause with a Scottish twist! Proceeds from the event will stay right here in Duluth to be split amongst the DSHA and MMCCCD to continue their noble missions in the community. Please take a look below to find out more about our organizations!

The Minnesota Masonic Children's Clinic for Communication Disorders (MMCCCD)

Located in Duluth at 24 West 2nd Street - the MMCCCD is an integral part of Northeast Minnesota – offering services free of charge for children in need of communication disorder therapy. Minnesota Masonic Charities took over the Children’s Clinic in 2018, which was a lifeline for the clinic to ensure its survival, as fundraising efforts became very limited through the tough years of COVID. All services at the clinic are offered free of charge to families, which helps provide much needed assistance to many that have no other option or means to seek help for their children. 

Proceeds from this charity event will stay right here in Duluth to aid the clinic in multiple ways, such as a means to incorporate field trips like visiting the Duluth fire station(s), aquarium, and Lake Superior Zoo, as a way of providing real life experiences encouraging therapy and educational support for children outside of the therapy rooms of the clinic. The proceeds will also help provide outreach to the community through several specialty programs, such as the clinic’s Autism education programs and Augmentative and Alternative Communication (AAC) program.

Please consider a tax-deductible donation to the DSHA and Minnesota Masonic Charities Children's Clinic for Language Disorders. DONATE HERE

Congratulations to our 2023 Scottish Scramble Champions!

Ben Cole, Tim Salmonson, Steve Kresal, Dan Szymczak

Thank you all very much once again for participating in this year's Scottish Scramble!
You've once again helped us raise just over $3,000 to be split between the Masonic Children's Clinic and the Duluth Scottish Heritage Association!